First off, Jack's teacher has character day at the end of each school year. The kids can be whatever they want as long as they have actually read the book and can explain the character. Jack knew right away that he wanted to be Rodrick from a Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Jack loves these books, and I will admit, I do too. They are an easy read that provide funny scenarios of every day family life.

Now onto First Grade's end-of-the-year pool party which was held at our neighborhood pool. The kids wore themselves out swimming for over 4 hours. Besides the swimming they enjoyed a great spread of food and even sno cones. I guess I know what my back-up career can be--sno cone maker. Fun was had by all and parents enjoyed sleeping kids soon after the party ended!

Last Friday was not only the last day of school but the awards ceremony as well. As I have stated in previous posts, Jack is one smart cookie, and he once again proved it with all his achievement awards. Mrs. Phillips handed out 3 achievement awards for spelling, math, and reading. In order to receive these awards, the student must have had a 95% or better average ALL year long in that area (all 3 awards were independent of each other). I am happy to say that Jack received ALL 3 awards, which in my opinion, is quite an achievement. He was one of only a few that got all 3. Not only did he achieve these awards, but he also got an award for 100% attendance! Yes, he was able to ward off strep, flu, and countless other ailments.
Out with the "old" (not age-wise old) and in with the new. Jack had a great year with Mrs. Phillips and we are sad to leave her behind but excited about starting our new chapter with Mrs. Hammel!
Now onto Anya. Anya turns 3 today, June 2nd, but her birthday bash was this past Saturday. She invited her good friends and she had a great time as did everyone else. Her birthday was Elmo-themed and we kept it simple with a craft project and just some backyard fun. Duane's brisket was a hit and all 15lbs of it was gone. She got a lot of great gifts and has played with pretty much all of them already. By the way, the little boy next to Anya (Troy) is her "boyfriend." She even got a kiss and hug from him.
I really enjoy reading your blog about the kids. I can't believe how Jack has grown. But Anya keeps up with him well. I think about my great niece, Tia. She has two older brothers and she keeps up with them well too. Tell Jack and Anya hello and have a wonderful summer.