Today marked Jack's start of Second Grade and to follow the tradition from Kindergarten and First Grades, he bought his teacher flowers. In addition this year, he also bought the secretary some too as it is her first year at this campus. He was very embarrassed, and most of the time I had the flowers sticking to my back because he didn't want anyone seeing him with them. I of course made him hand them to each person :) They were very excited with their gifts, and after the horror of having to carry flowers wore off, he seemed glad he did it.
Mrs. Hammel is his teacher this year, and like all the others he's had, she is wonderful, and I know he will have a great year. To top it off, there are only 8 kids in his class. He got back right into the swing of things despite two episodes with his orange juice. He was full of stuff before he even got out of the car.

The annual before school picture. Anya really wanted to keep a sour face but somehow managed a smile.

Mrs. Graham, the new secretary.
Mrs. Hammel.