As many of you know, on Easter Sunday Anya decided to have a meeting with our front porch step. This rendevous ended up with us having an nice 3 hour stint in the emergency room while we waited for her to get stitched up. She was running around the waiting room like a wild child with a blood-stained Easter dress; you'd never had known she was about to get 7 stitches--which she affectionately calls "itches."
Well, the process leading up to the stitches wasn't bad, but the actual stitch up was did not overly amuse her or her brother. Despite all the screaming at both ends, they both seemed no worse for wear.
The picture is pre-itches. It looks like a minor cut, but the kid managed to crack it to the bone! What else did she accomplish in all of this--that's right, she beat her brother to stiches!