Today Jack got to officially crossover from a Tiger Cub to a Wolf Cub. For those not familiar with scouting, Jack, who is a member of
Pack 81, had to meet certain requirements throughout the year in order to officially move up the ranks. Cub Scouts, and scouting in general, require dedication and a lot of time, and Jack faced those challenges well. He thoroughly enjoys all of the activities. His scarf changed from orange to yellow and he got to move his clothes pin up to the next level. He's in his baseball pants because right after this ceremony he had a game. If they win today, they are in the championship tomorrow!

Part of today's activities included the Raingutter Regata. The boats were kits that the kids had to put together and decorate to their liking. As you can see, they are required to use a straw in order to make their wind for the sail. I am happy to say, Jack won first place for the Tiger Cubs! He got a ribbon, a patch, and I believe one or two more items.