Friday, May 28, 2010

End of 2nd Grade and Sort of an "Era"

Today not only marked the last day of 2nd Grade for Jack but also the end of his time at Bannockburn. He has been there for 3 years, so this is somewhat emotional for us--especially me. Jack will do fine in the public system, but there is something just better about private. That being said however, I have heard only positive things about his new elementary. He will now have neighborhood friends and he will be around a lot more people.

This morning they had the award ceremonies, and Jack dominated academically (and on Track and Field Day on the 25th :)). He maintained a 95% or above in all academic areas, plus did phenomenal with his Accelerated Reading--he read and took tests on 53 books for a score of 78.5 points! This earned him Amy's Ice Cream coupons, a nice certificate, and a trophy. For those that may not know about AR points, this is a great achievement because all this reading and test taking is on top of everything else required. Not only did he earn the AR points, but he had the option to participate in the 6 hour reading program. He did this too and earned himself a ticket to Fiesta Texas San Antonio.

Now onto summer where Jack will attend Camp DoubleCreek, which he absolutely loves. He will spend some time in Wisconsin then head back to start the big 3rd Grade.

Jack and his teacher Mrs. Hammel, August 2009.

Jack and Mrs. Hammel, May 28, 2010.

End of the year bowling party, May 27, 2010.

Jack acting like he's the bowling ball.

Jack and his buddy Vinhsanh.

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