Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Numero Uno!

It's been awhile since I've updated, so I figured I better get to it once again. About a week ago Jack and I went up to a Badger game, and Jack had a great time. About $70 later Jack was geared up to go and ready for the game.

Jack dancing to some tunes after the game.

Jack was also in the Oshkosh Holiday parade, and this is a few hours before it started. There was some initial resistance regarding the elf hat, but eventually it grew on him.

My dad was the Grand Marshall, so Jack was the Mini-Grand Marshall. He seemed to have a good time riding along once he got going. The firetruck was from the 30s I believe, and at the time it goes $10,000. The man driving, Eric, bought it from someone while it was all in pieces in a box and put it together. A very nice ride.

Since the holiday spirit has begun, here is Jack eating at the classroom Thanksgiving luncheon we had on the 19th. And yes, he does have all 4 food groups on that plate.

This is Madeleine with Jack. She happens to be the same Madeleine that Jack had a "brawl" with only a few weeks back. Sweet little things now, and there actually appeared to be some love in the air with the past behind them :)

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