Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Earrings = No More!

Well, the whole earring deal was short lived. All was going well until we realized on Sunday that one of her earrings had fallen out. We figured it was while she was playing with her friend at the pool. Unfortunately I didn't have any earrings that would suffice, so I found one that would work temporarily while Duane went off to Target with a crying Anya to find another pair.

She came home with a nice pair that I was hoping would stay in well. It was like dealing with a raging tiger trying to get that pair in, but we finally succeeded, and no, we weren't being mean. She simply had it in her head that it was going to hurt and that is how she treated the whole situation.

So, we are moving along with the new pair until yesterday...........I picked her up from school only for her to inform me that she took her earrings out. I asked her where they were, and she said the playground. I knew finding them was hopeless, so I had to figure this out yet again.

I couldn't run her to Target again due to her swim lessons, so I scrounged through more earrings and found some that would work. I cleaned them thoroughly with alcohol and braced for what I figured would be a challenge. I was worried the holes may have already closed a bit and cause a freak out session. Well, I was right, they were sort of closed. Had it been my ears, I would have just forced it through, but I didn't want to do that with her. Also, I was getting yelled at by a 3 year old. That whole deal sealed the deal; no more earrings for awhile!

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