Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One Smart Cookie!

Today Duane and I had our parent/teacher conference with Jack's teacher, Mrs. Phillips. She had nothing but beaming remarks to say about him, and on more than one occassion she said how awesome he is! She even said she wanted to put a brick on his head so she could keep him past this year. To say the least, we are thrilled with all her comments and very proud of Jack for all he has achieved this year!

His has positively progressed in every area, and she said he has extremely strong reading and math skills, and he is always up for a challenge and never complains.

I think the thing that got us the most excited was when she discussed and showed us his achievement test scores. In basically every category he was ABOVE average, and he scored ABOVE average in one particular category that most kids only score average in! He is one smart cookie!

On Friday, May 29th, Jack will complete First Grade and move onto Second, and he'll have the fabulous Mrs. Hammel to lead the way next year.

To end, Jack has made us even prouder today!

1 comment:

  1. YAY for YOU and YAY for Jack!!!! I know it BLESSES your socks OFF when your little one does so well. ☺

    Take care, Sweet Friend, and have a WONDERFUL week!
