Friday, July 17, 2009

South Padre Island!

Tomorrow we are headed to South Padre Island! I have never been there so I am very excited as our Duane, Jack, and Anya. We are headed down there with some friends and will be staying at a nice condo that is within a few hundred yards of the beach. Jack and I are slated for our surfing lessons, the boogie boards are packed, and the skim board ready. I will try and update 1-2 times while we are down there.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A day at the pool!

We spend a lot of time at Lifetime Fitness for many reasons, but one of the big reasons is so we can swim for a few hours so we can all beat the heat. We go a number of times per week, and this particular day really wore the kids out. I had to take a picture of the poses and accessories that accompanied them while napping.

Notice the sunglasses are still on.

I'm not sure how this was comfortable, but apparently it was since he stayed like that for a long time.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The 4th of July!

It has been awhile since I've updated, but I am back on track now! This past weekend our neighborhood had its second annual 4th of July parade. Kids and adults alike were encouraged to dress up their wheels, whatever those wheels may be, and participate in the parade. The parade went through various streets, and the kids seemed to have a great time. I didn't realize so much work would go into decorating a bike and wagon.